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Celiac and Food Allergy Testing

Is your “Normal” Normal?

Celiac and Food Allergy Testing bend oregonDo you notice changes in the way you feel after eating a tasty plate of pasta or thick and flavorful sandwich? Do you find that you often experience abdominal cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, stomach pain, acid reflux, and/or nausea after eating those yummy pastries? Maybe these symptoms are even completely absent...

What about the rest of your body; any unexplained headaches, mood swings, insomnia, decreased energy, poor memory, inability to think clearly or skin irritations?

If you experience any of the above symptoms on a regular basis, you may have a sensitivity to a specific component of some grains which could cause serious health issues including autoimmune diseases if ignored.

The culprit in many cases is gluten which is the protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It is estimated that about 1/3 of the American population have a sensitivity to gluten, yet only about 1% of these people are aware of it!

More Than Just Celiac Disease

In addition to the mentioned immediate reactions, many people experience a variety of other health issues as a result of prolonged gluten exposure including:

  • Undesired weight loss or weight gain
  • Constipation
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis/Osteopenia
  • Poor Dentition
  • Seizures/ataxia
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Irritability or poor growth in children
  • Amenorrhea/Infertility/miscarriages
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Autism
  • Migraines
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Intestinal Cancer
  • Turner Syndrome
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Liver Disease
  • Sjogren's Disease
  • Williams Syndrome
  • Irritable bowel disease
  • Lupus
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Dementia
  • Epilepsy

Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Testing

Wellness Doctor offers a simple way to test for Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity for those living in Bend and Central Oregon.

Contact Our Office For:

  • Testing for Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease
  • Retesting to make sure there is no hidden gluten in your diet
  • Nutritional guidance and education for those with Celiac
  • Gluten-free Shopping tours

We Recommend Testing for All Patients Who:

  • Are suspected of having Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease
  • Have relatives with Gluten Sensitivity or Celiac Disease
  • Have a family history of autoimmune Disorders (Rheumatiod arthritis, Thyroid disease, Lupus, Sjogren's etc)
  • Are not responding as expected to any health concern

The gut has to be severely damaged in order for a blood test or biopsy to be dependable. Therefore, gluten must be in the diet prior to testing.

Celiac Disease Specialist Bend Oregon

Take the following quiz to see if a Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Test is Right for YOU!

1. Check the symptoms you have had at least once a week during the past three months:

__Gas, bloating, stomach pain and/or cramping
__Joint pain
__Numbness or tingling in your arms or legs
__Itchy and/or dry skin lesions
__Constant unexplained fatigue
__Frequent headaches or migraines
__Trouble concentrating

2. Check if you have been diagnosed with any of the following:

__Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
__Eczema or unexplained Dermatitis
__Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
__Depression or Anxiety disorders
__Ulcerative Colitis or non-ulcer Dyspepsia

3. Check if you have any of the following:

__Lactose Intolerance
__Osteopenia and/or osteoporosis
__Peripheral Neuropathy
__Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
__Small Intestinal Cancer
__Anemia (iron deficiency)
__Psychiatric Disorders (Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, ADHD, Autism, etc.)
__Autoimmune disorders (Thyroiditis, Type I diabetes, Sjogren’s Syndrome, liver disease, Addison’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis) or an immediate family member with an autoimmune condition such as Celiac Disease or any of the above.

If one or more lines in section I and II were checked along with any one of the conditions in section III, you may benefit significantly from being tested for gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease.

Call our office today at (541) 318-1000 or fill out our online contact form to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kremer to discuss your options!

Food Allergy Testing

Food allergy testing Bend OregonMany of our success stories in treating chronic conditions in patients involve a simple food allergy/sensitivity test. Whether patients discover they have a gluten intolerance or a sensitivity to dairy or almonds, many common health conditions can be treated and eliminated by simply avoiding a specific food or food group. Below is information on various food intolerances as well as a few common conditions that Dr. Kremer has treated in his own patients by a simple food allergy or gluten intolerance test.


An allergic reaction is an immune response to a foreign substance (antigen) that results in inflammation and organ dysfunction. Allergens can be chemical, environmental or food-based. In people with food allergies/sensitivities, an immediate or delayed adverse reaction by the immune system can occur to a food that most people find harmless.

Types of Food Reactions We Test For:

1. Immediate (IgE-Mediated Response): An IgE-mediated allergic response is an immediate reaction within two hours after eating food. IgE-mediated reactions are mainly seen in airborne allergies (pollens, dusts and weeds). Anaphylactic reactions are commonly associated with food allergies.
2. Delayed (IgG-Mediated Response): An IgG-mediated reaction is a delayed response, usually 36-72 hours after exposure to an antigen. IgG-mediated reactions are seen with most food sensitivities and often tested the most. The delayed response makes it difficult to pin down the specific food sensitivity. IgA and IgM are also tested in some individuals for less likely reactions or when determining a gluten sensitivity.

Signs and Symptoms:

1. Immediate IgE-Mediated Response: Anaphylactic shock (most severe), Rash, Wheezing, Hives, Swelling, Anxiety, Difficulty swallowing.
2. Delayed IgG-Mediated Response: Gastrointestinal complaints including stomach pains, heartburn, excess gas, chronic diarrhea/constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and malabsorption problems or Dark circles under the eyes, Sinusitis, Itching, Chronic fatigue, Edema, Joint/muscle pain, Puffy eyes, Acne, Anxiety/depression, Chronic swollen glands, Eczema, Insomnia, Headaches (migraines), Hives, Asthma, Wheezing, Hyperactivity, Bedwetting, Canker sores, Arthritis, Chronic infections, Frequent ear infections, Irritability, Weight Gain, and more.

Contact Our Office for more information on Food Allergy/Sensitivity Testing.